A friend told me she didn't particularly like Marseille but I couldn't figure out why once I was there. Yes, its a little rough-y on the edges, but french and on the coast, what's not to like about that? Cool harbor, cool little shops and restaurants (once you get away from the harbor), french and North African food...sunshine..water..boats..cool sights..
ok, its not all as vivid in my mind anymore since I was there last May but I did want to jot down some places and restaurants of note before too much time has passed (still have about 30 days left of this year to get to it!)
I had no problems in Marseille on my own, in fact I quite enjoyed exploring, and people always seem to chat with me, which I enjoy and feel more like I'm getting better acquainted with a place.
One tiny excursion I did was take Bus #83 from Vieux Port along the coast and walked the corniche (it was a hot, somewhat crowded ride but short and only cost 1,50 euros each way). Beautiful coastal area along the highway while alongside the sea and with places to stop and sit to admire the gorgeous views. I just had to prolong my excursion by plopping down at Dauphins Corniche which was perched right above the cliff and I splurged a little bit for the salmon entre and lemonade (not as good here as at Nina's) but the atmosphere and ocean views help compensate- very relaxing and refreshing. There's also a large indoor pool tucked underneath just about at sea level, but all enclosed.
I must mention my favorite shop, I still get excited thinking about it and wish I could pop in anytime I like bcs they had so many cute little things...but I can't..cuz its not here..pooey. "Choukatam" uses a hand-cut, hand-written high-quality business card which just added to the cuteness. Her site (Katherine is the artist) only shows her paintings but they had lots of other neat little items like a pretty cloth bracelet I bought for myself and a friend with a tiny little silver charm on it (in a variety of colors, patterns, and charms). Just 1 little charm on each bracelet, not like those bulky, clingy ones. Her shop is also in 6th arr.
Some shots from the neighborhoods:
"I am a Virgin...but this is an old shirt"
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