Monday, October 15, 2012

What's want MORE Art?!?

Ok then! Come to "werkstatt-galerie" in Schwabing on Wednesday, Oct. 24 for the Vernissage of my next art exhibit in Munich.  The paint has barely dried from the canvases in 'Little Munich and I'm hardly over my 'Wiesn' cold, however I .. must ...! Along with artists Julie Galante and Nutan Jaeger, I'll be exhibiting my latest work around the theme:

München (Un)gewohnt
an exhibition of paintings, photography, and mixed-media work
by Julie Galante, Nutan Jäger, and Kim Santomauro
24 - 27 October 2012
Wed - Fri 13:00 - 18:30
Sat 10:00 - 12:00
@ Zentnerstr. 3 in Schwabing
The artwork explores the adopted home city of three artists who have lived here for varying amounts of time. As these outsiders slowly get to know Munich, the parts that seem familiar or unfamiliar change over time. Munich is a city that contains millions of different realities, projected
on to it by each of its residents and visitors. Visitors to the exhibition will be encouraged to share their reactions to what they see, both with each other and the artists, and to consider how their experience of this city differs from what others see.


  1. Sounds great! But where is this werkstatt-galerie, you keep talking about? Is it the one at Zentnerstr. 3, in Munich?

  2. Good eye! You're the 'only' reader who caught this, thanks!!
